Acupuncture and traditional medicine 24h with a team of Doctors, experienced doctors, highly specialized in Traditional Medicine, have cured many patients. They always advise and support patients wholeheartedly during the medical examination and treatment process. After working in the hospital, we come to the home to support and treat patients with the desire to treat many seriously ill patients who cannot walk or patients who are busy at work and do not have time to go to the hospital for treatment.
Acupuncture service at home will be cheaper because the patient does not have to pay for travel.
Most of the cases improved after only 3 sessions of acupuncture. However, depending on the condition and location of each person, the treatment time will be different.
Physiotherapy Service at Home Ho Chi Minh City We established a team of physical therapy at home including a team of medical professionals, doctors, physiotherapists who are currently working inside and outside the hospital. .
Our at-home physiotherapist guides and motivates patients and their family members to support and combine treatment to shorten treatment time and reduce treatment costs. After the treatment has developed well, we instruct the patient to practice at home. We will have a team, the care department will come to the house to periodically check the patient and guide the best treatment methods for the patient, with the desire to treat many serious and difficult patients. return to daily life as quickly as possible.
Currently, we have been treating many serious patients and recovering very well, trusted and loved by many patients, recommending them to domestic and foreign friends, family members... those who need treatment. treat.
To be able to connect with traditional medicine acupuncture treatments as well as the best home physiotherapy service in Ho Chi Minh City, patients can immediately contact the consultants of the service. service us by number
Hotline : 033 55 88 355